Renata Provenzano, author of 2001 s best-selling A Little Book of Aloha: Hawaiian Proverbs and Inspirational Wisdom, an Australian journalist and travel writer was motivated to write these books during her first visit to the islands in 2000. In an effort to make what she feel is one of the happiest places on earth more accessible to its visitors, and a recognition that the Hawaiian people and culture are often misunderstood by the people that visit the islands, Renata collected proverbs and sayings from traditional sources, such as Mary Kawena Puku i s Olelo No eau, and from interviews with Hawaiian healing practitioners and translated them into English with insightful comments on how to put traditional Hawaiian methods of living in tune with nature and yourself into everyday practice. More than 30 Hawaiian proverbs and anecdotes are presented in this unique book complimented by contemporary and documentary photographs that document Hawai i s landscape and culture. A Little Book of Aloha is an insightful guide to living in harmony with others and with nature-traditional Hawaiian values that continue to be relevant in a fast-paced modem world.