
This is a book for everyone who stops periodically and admires a certain stone building or structure whether it is a church, residence, bridge or school building. During that pause, the viewer may wonder: who built it; why did they build it; and perhaps, how did they build it? This can happen on the way to work, walking through a neighborhood or dropping the kids off at school. In this volume, we have collected about 100 pohaku, or stone, structures in Hawai i whose stories are told by more than 50 essayists. Many are Hawai i s leading architects. Others are journalists, historians, archivists and those who simply love stone architecture. Most of the stone structures have interesting stories behind them. Did you know that before the stone retaining wall for the road at Makapu u Point on O ahu was built, the sugar grown in Waimanalo was taken to Honolulu by ship? Did you know that four stone school buildings were built from the same lava flow in Manoa? You might be amazed to know that Kamehameha the Great marshaled 20,000 men who passed stones hand-to-hand to build the awe-inspiring Pu ukohola Heiau at Kawaihae on the Big Island. There are many, many tales like these told in this book. Some of the stories behind these structures are spiritual, others are amazing and some you may find amusing. Grand color photographs by Doug Peebles, one of Hawai i s premier photographers, also tell the stories of these significant subjects. A handful of carefully selected black and white historical photos from various archives adds to the essays. Regardless of what kind of structure, the real story is that stone says permanence. The fact that many of these are still standing is a testament to the material itself and to good design.
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BK1-BLH797 |
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【BOOKS】Pohaku The Art & Architecture of Stonework in Hawaii by David and Scott Cheever photograp |
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