
Diamond Head s story begins long before the first Polynesians set foot on O ahu when, well over a hundred thousand years ago, molten lava spewed forth from the shallows of O ahu s southeast coast. Blasting it s way through basalt and limestone, the lava quickly created a landmark of superlative beauty that would become Hawai i s icon. While much has changed since then, Diamond Head endures. The Hawaiians called it Lë ahi and considered its aina to have spiritual power because of the volcano goddess Pele s masterful violence. At least five heiau were located on Lë ahi s slopes, most clustered on a low hill along the western side. At the main temple, Papa ena ena, human sacrifice was part of the ritual. Between the end of the eighteenth century and the start of the nineteenth, Papa ena ena was the most important temple in Hawai i, serving King Kamehameha who had settled in nearby Waikiki. The Waikïkï homes of nineteenth century royals all had Diamond Head views. In the early 1900s the island s business elite built palatial homes on surrounding land and sea slopes. Becoming Hawai i s symbol. Diamond Head was used to sell Hawai i as a tourist destination as well as almost everything else―from romance to hula. from while bread to hard liquor. The lure continues. Today, Diamond Head is a remarkable resource, a site of cultural and historic importance preserved largely intact in [he heart of a sprawling citv as well as a prestigious residential area. It is hiked both in and around its slopes by millions each year, and local residents surf its shore breaks, swim in its waters, and enjoy its beaches. This is the story of Hawai i s icon, from the past to the present, and how it came to be a symbol of worldwide renown.
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