
In 1969, as Neil Armstrong set foot on the Moon, a young geologist known as Duff was preparing to set foot on a rocky landscape of another sort: Kilauea Volcano on the island of Hawai i, where he would spend three years at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory. Volcanologists and general readers alike will enjoy this entertaining account of living and working at Kilauea-one of the world s most active volcanoes and the home of Pele, goddess of fire and volcanoes. Duff s narrative encompasses everything from the scientific (observations that the movements of a cooled crust on a lava lake mimicked plate tectonics) to the humorous (his dog s discovery of a snake on the supposedly snake- free island) to the life-threatening (a colleague s plunge into molten lava). PUBLISHED IN COOPERATION WITH THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY S VOLCANIC HAZARDS PROGRAM Volcanologists and general readers alike will enjoy author Wendell Duffield s report from Kilauea--home of Pele, the goddess of fire and volcanoes. Duffield s narrative encompasses everything from the scientific (his discovery that the movements of cooled lava on a lava lake mimic the movements of the earth s crust, providing an accessible model for understanding plate tectonics) to the humorous (his dog s discovery of a snake on the supposedly snake-free island) to the life-threatening (a colleague s plunge into molten lava). This charming account of living and working at Kilauea, one of the world s most active volcanoes, is sure to be a delight.
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BK1-BLH681 |
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【BOOKS】Chasing Lava A Geologist s Adventures at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory by Wendell A. D |
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