With pen, pencil, crayon and marker in hand, our keiki have opened their hearts and minds to write thoughtful poems and essays and create artwork that speaks volumes.Through Kids Day, PACT has given Hawai i s keiki the opportunity to tell parents what they should know about their children. Read and see what Hawai i s keiki have to say. Their advice will make you laugh, make you cry, make you remember what it s like to be a keiki. What Every Parent Should Know is a celebration of the bond between parent and child, and a gentle reminder that children of all ages need their parents support, encouragement and aloha. Parents And Children Together (PACT) is a non-profit family service agency that provides social, health, and educational services to individuals and families on O ahu, Maui, Moloka i, Lana i, and Kaua i. For thirty-five years PACT has provided community- based services, starting as one of the nation s original 36 Parent Child Centers, and growing into a multifaceted organization with 13 programs. These programs service the areas of early childhood education, community and economic development, child abuse and neglect prevention and treatment, family peace and preservation, youth activities, and child and adolescent mental health.A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book go directly to PACT. Mahalo for your support.