
Loyal to the Land is a sweeping history of one of the United States largest working ranches, the Big Island of Hawai i s Parker Ranch. Dr. Bergin chronicles the ranch from its establishment on two acres purchased for ten dollars by John Palmer Parker to the years following World War II and the beginning of a new era of family ranch management under Parker s grandson, Richard Smart. In this wide-ranging and insightful book, illustrated with more than 250 historical photos, Dr. Bergin first discusses the important Hispanic vaquero roots of ranching in Hawai i. He then relates the histories of the five foundation families, providing rich and detailed information on key members who contributed to the Ranch s success. The balance of the book examines every aspect of Parker Ranch development: management, labor, improvements and diversification of livestock, veterinary and animal care programs, and the Ranch s role and influence on the Big Island and the state. Mahalo Kauka Billy Bergin The kama na of Waimea call him Kauka, Doctor. We know him to be the lawe h ai of Holi--John Holi Ma e, who is family to us Kanihos. We, the paniolo kahiko, are happy that Kauka is writing our history. He himself is a cowboy--he knows the job from the bottom. Kauka had many good teachers besides Holi; like Tommy Lindsey of Pu u ・ Tom Kanaka le of Kap ala, Johnny Pieper of Ka alu alu, and from Kona the Ke akealani, Alapa i and Medeiros ohana. He was a lucky boy to have walked that line. But these men knew he was kanaka makua. In his book, Loyal to the Land, Kauka tells our story from the ground up, bringing out the heart and mana o of our sisters and brothers, uncles and aunties, grandparents, great-grandparents, and on and on: n・k・una a pau loa. In passing aloha to our mothers and grandmothers, he right on. The paniolo skills came from both sides--like in our family from the Awaa as much as the Kaniho lines. My mama, Kalani Awaa, would k・e e the wild pipi Papa roped in Keamuku. For all the ohana of old Parker Ranch--Lindsey, Bells, Spencer, Purdy, Stevens, Palaika, Yamaguchi, Kawai, Ma ina aup・ and so on--Kauka shows the makuahine strength of the cowboys who built our beloved na Paka of the olden days. From my heart I speak for the brotherhood of ranch cowboys when I say that Kauka is at last giving credit (and it has been a long time coming) to the strong backs of n・paniolo kahiko. To you, Kauka, nui nui mahalo. - Sonny Kaniho
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【BOOKS】Loyal to the Land: The Legendary Parker Ranch, 750-1950 by Dr. Billy Bergin |
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