
100 YEARS OF HEALING is a collection of historical sketches centered around the lives of an idealistic missionary doctor, James W Smith, and his family. Most of the events take place on the Hawaiian island of Kauai, between the early 1840s and the mid 1940s. The book begins with Dr. Smith s arrival on Kauai at the small village of Koloa in 1842, and examines his struggles to save a remnant of the Native Hawaiian population from the ravages of Western epidemics. The volume includes the story of a little known legal battle between Kauai s favorite prince, Jonah Kuhio, and the Hawaiian Kingdom s last reigning sovereign, Queen Liliuokalani - as well as a new look at the 1893 overthrow of the monarchy in which Dr. Smith s oldest son, Woo Smith, played a leading role. Other selections include tragic true tales of betrayal, suicide, leprosy and murder; a brief look into the extraordinary life of Henry Obookiah, the Native Hawaiian who persuaded the first missionaries to come to Hawaii; and the remarkable story of George Humehume Kaumualii, son of Kauai s last king, who voyaged alone from Kauai to Boston at the tender age of six and led a tumultuous life as fascinating as that of any Hollywood hero. There is also a detailed account of one of Kauai s most shocking missionary scandals, and a well-documented Introduction in which the author challenges popularly held views of Hawaii s missionary heritage.
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■商品番号 |
BK1-BLH362 |
■商品名称 |
【BOOKS】100 Years of Healing The Legacy of a Kauai Missionary Doctor by Evelyn E. Cook |
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