
Rev. Ephraim Weston Clark (4/25/1799-7/15/1878) translated this dictionary into Hawaiian as a gift to his students, his friends and all of the people in the Hawaiian Islands where this missionary worked for thirty-five years, from his arrival in 1828 with the third company of missionaries. While he ministered in Hawai i he became a pastor for Kawaiaha s Church and eventually went to Micronesia to establish the mission in those islands. He returned to reside in Hawai i until 1864, when he moved to New York to lead the printing of Hawaiian language publications there. He left the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions at that time, but continued his work in the publishing of Hawaiian language materials in New York. In 1872 his translation of this Bible dictionary text was completed, it being the last of many books he translated into Hawaiian for the schools, the churches and the general public of these islands.This book was translated from an English language text, and the images and maps from within that original text were utilized in the Hawaiian printing. The captions for the images were translated into Hawaiian, but because of the great expense it would entail to redraw the maps, the English language maps were included in this book. However a list of the words seen on those maps is included with translations for each into Hawaiian. The spelling of the word wehiwehi (to adorn) on the original cover of the source text has been changed, whereas wehewehe (to explain) is the proper spelling, as seen and used within the text of the book.In this text, the word is presented, the meaning is explained and quotes from the book and verse of the Bible where the word can be found are included. Place names and personal names are also shown, indicating the location of the lands or sites of cities and towns, and explaining the status or deeds of the individuals mentioned. This collection of words is of great importance to Bible readers and scholars and to students of the Hawaiian language as well. This book was a final gift from Reverend Clark to the people of Hawai i and it is a gift that continues to give, from generation to generation.
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【BOOKS】A Dictionary of Biblical Words Translated by Rev. E.W. Clark (written in the hawaiian langu |
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