
The most comprehensive yet easy to use guidebook series to Hawaii now brings you Oahu Revealed. Written by the authors of the best selling guides: Maui Revealed, Hawaii The Big Island Revealed and The Ultimate Kauai Guidebook. Doughty and Friedman actually hike all the trails, ride the boats, scuba dive the reefs, dine in the restaurants, review all the resorts, snorkel the coastline, explore the hidden waterfalls and share all the secrets that they find. Everything is reviewed anonymously. This book and a rental car are all you need to discover what makes Oahu so exciting. The 20 specially created maps include access to even the most remote beaches, landmarks (so you always know where you are), hiking trails and numerous details in an easy-to-follow format.Clear, concise directions to get to those hard to find places such as deserted beaches, hidden waterfalls, pristine rain forests, spectacular coastlines, and scores of hidden gems listed nowhere else. Web site with links to every business, last minute updates and more. Plus Web pages available exclusively to readers that expand on all accommodation reviews with aerial photos of all the resorts (so you l know if oceanfront really means oceanfront) and our trademark brutally honest reviews.Driving tours of the island let you structure your trip your way. Special sections on Beaches, Attractions and Adventures. Symbols quickly identify recommended sights and companies. This book shows you which companies really are the best・nd which to avoid.Easy to use; no thumbing through every page looking for what you want. Written by island residents who know the island. Actual prices for restaurants, hotels and activities. (Not vague symbols such as three forks to indicate meal prices or general terms such as moderately priced.) Frank, honest opinions throughout--No Advertisements. Fascinating stories and legends from all around the island. They re covered it all--from the top of the Ko laus to the lost sunken island of Kane he. This is the best investment you can make for your Oahu vacation. Whether you are a first time visitor or a long time kama ina, you will find out more about O ahu from this book than from any other source. Discover the island of your dreams with Oahu Revealed.
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【BOOKS】Oahu Revealed The Ultimate Guide to Honolulu, Waikiki & Beyond by Andrew Doughty, Harriett |
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