
The most comprehensive yet easy to use guidebook ever written for the Big Island. This island is so big and diverse that many visitors never realize all that it has to offer. We unlock its secrets. Our brand new third edition has more useful information, the most up to date maps, and scores of hidden gems listed nowhere else. This book and a rental car are all you need to discover what makes the Big Island so exciting.Our 38 specially created maps include clear, concise directions to even the most remote beaches and other hard to find places, mile markers (so you always know where you are), hiking trails, and numerous details in an easy to follow format.Deserted black sand beaches, secluded freshwater lava pools (some volcanically heated), pristine rain forests, lava tubes, hidden waterfalls, and the most dramatic part of the erupting volcano.Fascinating stories and legends from all around the island.Symbols quickly identify recommended sights and companies. We identify which companies really are the best・nd which to avoid. Frank, honest opinions from anonymous reviews o advertisements. Special expanded sections on Hiking and Adventures.Web site with links to every business, last minute updates and more. Plus Web pages available exclusively to our readers that expand on all accommodation reviews with aerial photos of all the resorts (so you ll know if oceanfront really means oceanfront).Only book ever banned at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Visitor Center for being
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