
A lu au can be held for any reason or for no reason. There s no better way to describe it other than a feast, usually outdoors, for friends and family to celebrate any occasion, big or small.In traditional days, a lu au in Hawai i could last for days. Each type of lii au - from the Aha aina Mawaewae celebrating the birth of a child to baby s first birthdays, to lavish, large gatherings in honor of visiting dignitaries such as those hosted by Kalakaua and Lili uokalani - had strict rules dictating the type of food prepared.In today s Hawai i the lu au enables family and friends to celebrate and get together for reunions, commemorations, and special occasions. The sharing of food and stories with those close either by blood, friendship or extended ohana, bonds and seals generational ties. Besides the good food, including the potluck brought by everyone, there is talk story, the music and mele, the games for the keiki (children), and the hugs and kisses. A Hawaiian Lu au brings together two of Hawai i s most noted hosts - Chef Sam Choy and the Makaha Sons. Sam provides his favorite lu au dishes ranging from traditional lomilomi salmon to more local fare that reflect the many cultures of Hawai i - Sweet and Sour Chicken Breasts with Tropical Fruits, Stuffed Calamari with Apple Banana, and Quick and Easy Shoyu Chicken. For the music and mele the Makaha Sons have produced a specially mixed CD of their favorite or most requested lu au songs including
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【BOOKS】A Hawaiian Luau Recipes, Music and Talk Story by Sam Choy & The Makaha Sons |
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