
Along Hawai i s coasts the spectacular ocean view is not the only scenery worth noting. Gracing the shorelines of all the Hawaiian islands are some of the most unique flora on earth-amazingly, eighty-nine percent of Hawai i s native plant species are found nowhere else in the world. From the delicate white blossoms of the perennial herb Ae ae, to the silvery Hinahina which is often used in lei-making, to the well-known Naupaka with ifs three-petal flowers, a wide variety of species can be found and admired. For both the novice and experienced botanist, A Guide to Hawai i s Coastal Plants is a comprehensive field manual of 90 coastal plant species-both native and nonnative. Full-color photographs are accompanied by descriptions of appearance, habitat and distribution information, traditional uses, and historical or cultural anecdotes. Walk along Hawai i s shores and witness not only the history of how seeds migrated from as far away as the Antarctic, but learn the role of these plants in Native Hawaiian culture - how Nohu and lliahialo e were used as medicinal remedies and the role of plants such as naupaka or ohi a in the ancient legends. Information about environmental threats to the island s native coastal vegetation, as well as detailed directions to beautiful locations where you can find excellent examples of remaining coastal plant communities is also included. A Guide to Hawai i s Coastal Plants is perfect for locals and visitors who want to explore Hawai i s shores and learn how to preserve its wonderful vegetation.
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【BOOKS】A Guide to Hawai i s Coastal Plants by Michael Walther |
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